
Showing posts from 2014

CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -3 Ear Assembly and Deployment to server. (ATG 10.2)

After Setting Up the Databases and Creation of server instances. Next step would be creation Enterprise Archives (EAR) files with all the necessary modules and deploy it to servers. We can do that Manually but CIM provides very easy way to do it. If you haven't setup ATG Required Databases then please check the Step-1 ( CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -1 DataBases Setup. (ATG 10.2) ) . If you haven't created the ServerInstances then Please Check the Step-2 ( CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -2 ServerInstance-Configuration. (ATG 10.2) ) . Below are the Next series of steps. ====================================== C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2\home\bin>cim.bat Application Server: jboss The following installed ATG components are being used to launch:   ATGPlatform version 10.2 installed at C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2 Nucleus running      Oracle ATG Web Commerce Configuration Installation Manager =======CIM MAIN MENU====...

CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -2 ServerInstance-Configuration. (ATG 10.2)

ATG Requires Database to startup. Its not the CRS(Commerce Reference Store) that we are setting along with CIM requires DB as there are Products information needs to be persisted. Its ATG Platform that requires database. Check the Sql directory in DAS, DSS, DPS,DCS Modules. After Setting up ATG related Schemas through ATG CIM in step1 we Now do the next step. If Not Please DO the Step-1 ( CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -1 DataBases Setup. (ATG 10.2) ). =================================================================== C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2\home\bin>cim.bat Application Server: jboss The following installed ATG components are being used to launch:   ATGPlatform version 10.2 installed at C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2 Nucleus running      Oracle ATG Web Commerce Configuration Installation Manager =======CIM MAIN MENU=============================================== enter [h]elp, [q]uit to exit Choose the task you want to...

CIM(Configuration and Installation Manger) Setup. Step -1 DataBases Setup. (ATG 10.2)

Below are The different Steps that are included when setting the Databases Using ATG. C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2\home\bin>cim.bat Application Server: jboss The following installed ATG components are being used to launch:   ATGPlatform version 10.2 installed at C:\ATG10.2_New\ATG10.2 Nucleus running      Oracle ATG Web Commerce Configuration Installation Manager =======CIM MAIN MENU============================================== enter [h]elp, [q]uit to exit Choose the task you want to perform:  *[R]  Set the Administrator Password   [W]  Quit without setting password  > Please enter the value you wish to use as the Administrator password. This password will be set for all instances created by the CIM tool. Passwords should adhere to the following guidelines... * passwords should be at least 8 characters long * passwords should contain at least one upper case and one lowercase character * passwords sh...