
Showing posts from 2017

CSC Frames debugging

Inorder to debug CSC, to find out the right component or from which JSP the particular frame is rendering is difficult. Please enable these two Properties in the dyn/admin of CSC to find out an help symbol on top of all the frames which gives all the necessary information. /atg/svc/agent/ui/AgentUIConfiguration

CSC Cloning/returns Failing with Connection time out

There is bug that has been introduced in ATG 11 pertaining to CSC Clone order. If we try to clone order which has coupons associated with it, It will fail to copy most of the times. When Performing returns/Copy order we generally perform Cloning of the Order in CSC and Work on the Cloned order. When doing this operation it generally takes more time and it fails if it was not able to fetch the details in Specific time frame. Below is the error that is been Seen in the logs. Error Tue Nov 29 16:29:59 EST 2016 1480454999909 /atg/dynamo/servlet/pipeline/RequestScopeManager/RequestScope-103429/atg/commerce/custsvc/returns/StartReturnExchangeProcess Caused by (#5):java.lang.RuntimeException: CONTAINER:atg.repository.RepositoryException; SOURCE:java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: XA error: XAResource.XAER_NOTA start() failed on resource 'SwitchB':   XAER_NOTA : The XID is not valid  Error Tue Nov 29 16:29:59 ES...

ATG Support Analysis Database Queries

Hi Guys, Just wanted to share with you all the database Queries that can be used to analyse various things from database perspective. Every fault that occurs in ATG has some link with the Database and we also start analysing things starting from Database standpoint. Here i have used simple sql Queries but yet they will give perfect results (Iam not DB expert to give more optimised Queries. Any suggestions for new and optimised Queries are welcome). Orders Placed on Particular date in Particular state select o.* from dcspp_order o inner join dcspp_pay_group p on o.order_id = p.order_ref join DCSPP_BILL_ADDR b on p.PAYMENT_GROUP_ID = b.PAYMENT_GROUP_ID where substr(o.creation_date,0,9) = '31-JUL-17' and o.state not in('SUBMITTED','REMOVED');  Orders with Specific ShippingGroup(for example hardgoodShippingGroup) select * from atgcore.dcspp_order o inner join atgcore.dcspp_ship_group s on o.order_id=S.ORDER_REF where s.state  not i...

ATG Database Tables

Most Important Tables that is required when analysing ATG related things are been listed below with all the description. The below list of tables is been divided based on the schemas in which they reside. The schemas that have been classified is based in Switching Database Architecture. For nonSwitching it a bit different which you will get to know when you reach the end. Schemas are : Production Schema Catalog Schema(SwitchA/CatA/SwitchB/CatB) Publishing Schema Production Schema :       User: DPS_USER - Has all the User details, whoever registers their account in ATG will have its entry its here. DPS_CREDIT_CARD - Contains all the User profile save cards info. This is been linked to DPS_USER table with linking table(DPS_USR_CREDITCARD). DPS_CONTACT_INFO - All the User saved addresses will be saved here like firstname, lastname, Address1, City, State, Phone Number. This table is linked with DPS_USER table using DPS_USER_ADDRESS. DCS_USER - Thi...