ATG BCC Users Roles
Each and Every person Who ever Login's to the ATG System Should have Users created in ProfileRepositoy. Their accesses to perform different Actions/Activities depends on the kind of Roles assigned to that User. Below are the Different roles that User Should Possess for Accessing BCC. User Role Description EPub-User Business User Who Creates and manages Assets. He Cannot Review them or Deploy them. EPub-Manager User Who Reviews and Approves the Assets created by ‘EPub-User’ and can deploy the same on Staging and Production. He can also create New Assets and Move them between the Targets. EPub-Admin Users Can Create new Users and grant Access to different users. Can create new users. Can assign new Responsibilities/remove responsibilities to/from existing User. He is Same as Epub-user in case of Assests creation. He can just create/manage but cannot move them between targets. EPub-Super-Admin Has all the permissions. of the Above three...