
Showing posts from March, 2015

ATG BCC Users Roles

Each and Every person Who ever Login's to the ATG System Should have Users created in ProfileRepositoy. Their accesses to perform different Actions/Activities depends on the kind of Roles assigned to that User. Below are the Different roles that User Should Possess for Accessing BCC. User Role Description EPub-User Business User Who Creates and manages Assets. He Cannot Review them or Deploy them. EPub-Manager User Who Reviews and Approves the Assets created by ‘EPub-User’ and can deploy the same on Staging and Production. He can also create New Assets and Move them between the Targets. EPub-Admin Users Can Create new Users and grant Access to different users. Can create new users. Can assign new Responsibilities/remove responsibilities  to/from existing User. He is Same as Epub-user in case of Assests creation. He can just create/manage but cannot move them between targets. EPub-Super-Admin Has all the permissions. of the Above three...

Resetting the Dynamo Admin password

Facing difficulty in Logging in to dynamo admin or Forgot Password for the same. NO PROBLEM. Please Follow below Steps to reset it. 1) Delete all the rows from table das_account . 2) Restart the server instance. This Creates all the rows in das_account with default Values. 3) LOGIN to dyn/admin with default credentials admin/admin . 4) After Login DYN ADMIN ask to reset the password. Reset to the desired Value. Hope this Helps.